Quand la pratique du sport n'a pas de limite
Patient stories


January 17, 2024

When sports have no limits

For several months, we have been following Christian, a patient from our Allied OP agency in the USA. As a weightlifting enthusiast, it was crucial for him to maintain this physical activity. However, with conventional prosthetics, this proved to be challenging.

Our teams first crafted a trial socket. This initial prosthesis, tailored for weightlifting, allowed for adjustments in comfort, suspension, and pressure distribution. After these initial appointments, Christian was eagerly anticipating the completion of his prosthetic!

The cover for the prosthesis was created at Fabcodesigns. The material used to grip the weightlifting bar is a Black Iron Lite from Fillauer.

Suspension is maintained by a bulldog locking pin in combination with a Click Medical Boa system to assist in adjusting the socket.

After a few adaptations and several fittings, Christian can now use his prosthesis for weightlifting. It can support up to 750kg!

Quand La Pratique Du Sport Na Pas De Limite3
