Eqwal’s Missions

Inclusion is a battle that concerns everyone: orthoprosthesists, professionals, practitioners, families, and private citizens.

After all, accessibility is about guaranteeing that each individual, whether able-bodied or disabled, has the opportunity to fit in and be fulfilled. Applying technical expertise, we transform obstacles into solutions.

It is through our in-depth knowledge, our sense of commitment, and our desire to provide support that we are all – practitioners, employees, and orthoprosthesists – players in the shift towards a more inclusive society.

Our team of CPO proposes an alternative vision; one that focuses on the patient and their concerns. We advocate that our CPO should be free to act independently within a large global network, whereby skills are developed, and expertise shared.

Our objectives are based around 5 pillars.

Les missions


Innovation has been part of our DNA since the formation of the group. At Eqwal, we implement technology in service of the practitioner, and not the other way around. As a leading international player, in particular in the area of digital solutions, our group provides orthoprosthesists with a wide range of technologies, components, and tools, thus affording them the luxury of choice and the freedom to provide their patients with the best possible treatment. With a resolute focus on the future, our teams are continually seeking innovative solutions, with a view to offering devices that are adapted to suit the daily routines of all patients, and to continually increase the level of precision exercised within the profession of the orthoprosthesist. Leveraging our technical expertise, we transform obstacles into solutions.


The provision of support to all patients, without exception, is a pillar that is particularly close to our hearts. And our expertise extends well beyond the manufacture of pieces of equipment. Being able to cope and accept disability is not easy for anyone, whether the affected person or their families. This requires time and a great deal of support. This is why we seek to provide as much support as possible for patients, as well as for carers and medical professionals, throughout every step – from the development of the disability to the patient’s acceptance of their new life, including the selection of solutions and their implementation within our orthopaedic centres. We leave no one behind, and we fight every day for equity, equality and solidarity.


At Eqwal, our solutions are never standardised. Our prosthetic devices, digital solutions, and components are custom designed to adapt to patients’ respective disability situations, and to the wide range of professions working within various specialist fields: orthopaedic surgeons, doctors, orthoprosthesists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and nurses. We work in close proximity with all of these professionals, to ensure that they can provide the best prosthesis for their patients. Our duty requires a truly collaborative approach between orthoprosthesists and their patients, to ensure that the patient leaves with the prosthesis that is best for their health and general well-being.


The Eqwal Group cultivates an inclusive and holistic approach to orthoprosthetics. This is an alternative approach, which we hope to transmit and broadcast to the widest possible audience. This is why we believe that we must play an educating role, to ensure that disability might no longer be considered taboo, and that society might reconsider its relationship with disability. We work on a daily basis to ensure that people with disabilities can establish social bonds, become integrated within the professional world, return to sport… In order to overcome this challenge, it is essential that we also raise awareness among the able-bodied regarding this vital need to include disabled people within our society.


By bringing all parties together, including orthoprosthesists, professionals, practitioners, engineers, private citizens, patients, and carers, we can finally overcome the challenge of inclusion and equity. It is for this reason that Eqwal maintains close relations with stakeholders in every field; suppliers, professionals, manufacturers, hospitals, doctors, public authorities and government departments, NGOs, and even the media and training organisations that focus on healthcare professions.


staff members employed by the group


O&P offices


users of our professional software