
Care, equity, innovation, and employee involvement are the values that guide us on a daily basis. It is in respect for these values that we act on a daily basis to guarantee each individual the ability to fit in, flourish, and live on an equal footing, in spite of their disability.

Les valeurs d’Eqwal

Developing our “Patient Care” model around the world

Because inclusion is a struggle that concerns all citizens of the world, our initiatives are not bound by international borders. Both within France and internationally, we live by our model to ensure that each individual, regardless of their situation, can benefit from our vision and feel included within society. Thanks to our global network, we are developing exclusive relationships and partnerships with our stakeholders all around the world. We then put into place local initiatives to grant access to solutions that help compensate for disabilities in developing countries.

Innovating to create sustainable and fair solutions

Innovation is at the heart of our corporate approach. In order to overcome the two-fold challenge of accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities, we involve both patients and professionals in the research and development of our solutions. This valuable and vital collaboration allows us to respond to patient’s individual expectations. Innovation is also about finding sustainable solutions and manufacturing processes, whereby the environmental impact of these solutions can be limited. As such, we have incorporated eco-design into our considerations and processes, and this applies throughout the lifecycle of our products. In the medium term, we hope to succeed in eliminating our dependence on non-renewable resources. We are working to ensure that our solutions combine excellence, functionality, and sustainability.

Allowing each employee to demonstrate their talents

Generating commitment and including our teams within our broader Eqwal project is essential if we hope to continue to grow in our ambition and to act with a sense of determination. Consequently, we do all we can to improve the occupational well-being of our employees, their health, and their security, and to offer working conditions that encourage them to flourish. We therefore involve our employees and our patients in the Group’s commitments. We foster an environment that encourages mutual listening, a sense of sharing, and a spirit of solidarity and empathy. Human beings and close relationships are the top priority in all of our interactions. The unlimited involvement of all with a view to promoting the overall well-being of people with disabilities allows us to act with conviction, passion, and pride.

Implementing a uniform and agile governance model

The task of playing a leading role within society with a view to facilitating the inclusion of people with disabilities is a relentless one. Improving patients’ standard of life is our central concern.